Shaiya Quest Guide Aol

Here you will find a detailed guide of all the Quests related to Shaiya. This is a work in progress so please keep this in mind. Aol Quests Map 1 Beika Simon the Guard This is war (1) -talk to Simon again This is war (2) -talk to Simon again This is war (3) -talk […]

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Defender /Guardian Guide

Why A Defender/Guard The Defender/Guardian is the ultimate crowd control class, both in PvE and PvP. No other class has the potential to control and dictate incoming damage. Your role, put simply, is to do everything you can to make all of the damage to your party. Efficient parties and coordinated PvP strikes all rely […]

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Fighter Class Guide

Why A Fighter/Warrior? The first question which most people ask is why should they play a fighter/Warrior? What are the pros and cons? Fighter/Warrior is an optimal choice for a first toon because they can party or go independent easily, level quickly, have a quick learning curve, and are very strong at high levels. The […]

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