Aol Bosses

GraveGuard Loca

Lvl: 30

Location: Cornwell-Ruins (Level 1)

Spawn-Time: 3 Min

Drops: Armors and Weapons Level 20+

lvl: 31

Location: Cornwell-Ruins (Level 2) spawn time: 3 min

drops: Armors and weapons level 20 +
Asmodeus Incarnate


Location: Cloron Lair(Level 1 & 2)

Spawn-Time: 1 h

Drops: Novice - Heroic Armors/Weapons Level 40+

Lvl: 46

Location: Cloron Lair (Level 1)

Spawn-Time: 30 Min

Drops: Novice-, Heroic-, Armors / -Weapons Level 40+
Nightmare Fighter

lvl: 56

Location: Cloron Liar (Level 3)

Spawn Time: 1 h?

drops: Novices, Heroes, Armors/weapons level 40 +
Hell Dark Wizard

lvl: 50 Location: Cloron Dungeon (Level 3)

Spawn Time: 1 h?

drops: Novices, Heroes, Armors/weapons level 40 +
Cloron Troll

lvl: 60 Location: Clorons Liar (Level 3)

Spawn Time: 12 H +-1 h

drops: Heroic and Dread armor-weapons level 50 +
Cloron Dragon


Location: Clorons Liar (:Level 3)

Spawn-Time: 3 days

Drops: lvl 50+ Weapons (4-Slot special)
Maitreyen Great Shaman

Lvl: 46

Location: Maitreyan (Level2)

Spawn-Time: 30 Min

Drops: Heroic Weapons 40+
Maitreyan Great Hero

lvl: 46

Location: Maitreyan (Level 2)

Spawn Time: 30 min

drops: Heroic Armor 40 +
Maitreyan Great General

lvl: 46

Location: Maitreyan (Level 2)

Spawn Time: 30 min

drops: Hero Weapon 40 +

LVL: 47

Location: Maitreyan (MAP2)

Spawn Time: 1 H

drops: Legend-armor and Legend-weapons 40 +
Lamultan Blood Storm

LVL: 47

Location: Maitreya (MAP2)

Spawn Time: 1 H

drops: Legend Armor and legend-weapon 40 +
The sinister

LVL: 50

Location: Maitreyan (MAP2)

Spawn Time: 4 H

drops: Dread and Legend,-weapons level 50 +, level 40 2-slot tops and trousers
Fallen Pharo

LVL: 30

Location: Pharaoh's Temple (30s PvP area) spawn time: 1 H

drops: Heroes-Rüssi 20 +, 6 Lapis, jewelry-Lapis

LVL: 60

Location: Cave of the elements

Spawn Time: 12 h

drops: 2 x LVL 55 3-slot weapons (light)

LVL: 60

Location: Cave of the elements

Spawn Time: 12 h

drops: 2 x LVL 55 3-slot weapons (Light)

LVL: 60

Location: Cave of the elements

Spawn Time: 12 h

drops: 2 x LVL 55 3-slot weapons (light)

LVL: 60

Location: Cave of the elements

Spawn Time: 12 h

drops: 2 x LVL 55 3-slot weapons (light)

LVL: 60

Location: Cave of the elements

Spawn Time: 12 h

drops: 2 x LVL 55 3-slot weapons (light)

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