Cryptic Access Quest

Zeharr’s Mine Kanos Illium
The request is a drop-quest, i.e. you need the quest-triggering object of almost all the monsters in the Regnum colonies to begin this mission. The quest is repeatable, but the request must only be made once.

Speak with Klain Setor in Stekellon (Kanos Illium)
Klain sectorCollect 3 evidence of heresy from palaion-or Valdemar-Devils
Klain sectorCollect 10 fire fragments from lumen Monsters und 10 Windfragmente von Ales Monstern
Klain sectorCollect 10 fragments of the Dentatus Monsters und 10 Eisfragmente von Secreta Monstern
Klain sectorKill 1 Ales and 1 lumen
Klain sectorKill 1 Dentatus and 1 Secreta
Klain sectorSpeak with Zeharr Teololema in Zeharr's mine
Zeharr Teololema Kill 200 players from the opposing faction
Reward1 Energy Crystal

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